Simple Image Share 1.42 August 21st 2013

allows you to run your own file sharing service – out of the box

New since 1.42 multiple files upload issue fix (more in the changelog below)
New since SFS 1.41 XSendFile fix and a small correction – more info can be found in the changelog below
New since SFS 1.4 multi upload, file groups, responsive by default, some improvements and fixes – more info can be found in the changelog below
New since V1.3 supporting mod_xsendfile, download throtteling, got rid of memory_limit limitations, Bootstrap update, some fixes and more, more info can be found in the changelog below …
New since V1.2 countdown before download is possible, password protection, preview of uploaded images, reporting function, and much more, more info can be found in the changelog below …
New since V1.11 displaying remaining days, language switcher, .. more can be found in the changelog further down
New since V1.1 direct file download protections, denied file extensions, allowed file extensions list, some improvements and fixes, more info can be found in the changelog below …
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- single file upload and sharing
- multiple files upload and sharing (since 1.4)
- drag and drop or just select file(s)
- autoupload
- progressbar and progress numbers
- mail sharing, ability to send to more than one receipient by closing the success message
- admin interface with dashboard, various charts and possibility to manage uploaded files
- ready to use ajax contact form
- built on bootstrap (bootswatch’s cerulean)
- responsive (since 1.4)
- ready to use faqs module
- easy to change frontend languages (English, Deutsch (Sie), Deutsch (Du) included)
- possibility to block list of extensions
- possibility to allow list of extensions
- possibility to disable direct file downloads (IP or session based), or to disable the protection
- display expiration date of files on download or deletion page
- autodelete depending on age
- autodelete depending last download (since 1.2)
- countdown X seconds befor download is possible (since 1.2)
- reporting files function (since 1.2)
- image preview of uploaded images (since 1.2)
- bandwidth throtteling on downloads (since 1.3)
- supporting mod_xsendfile (since 1.3)
- ....
- mysql 5.x
- php 5.x
- enabled mod_rewrite
- optional: GD library for image previews
- optional: mod_XSendFile (optional – meant for downloads of huge files) more info to mod_xsendfile: Hints
you can set various values in the configuration files, some of these:
- delDays -> number of days until the file will be deleted automatially after upload or depending on last download
- extDenied -> list of lowercase extension which users are not allowed to upload
- extAllowed -> list of lowercase extension which users are allowed to upload, only these are allowed (except the extDenied ones)
- maxFileSize -> maximum size of uploaded files, but
attention the value might be decreased, ‘cause it will be recalculated based on the php values
post_max_size, upload_max_filesize – if you’re running PHP with the FastCGI Server Api you’ve to adapt the FcgidMaxRequestLen (more Information
- ....
Changelog – current Version: 1.42 August 21st 2013
Updates V1.42 August 21st 2013
- fixed: on multiple uploads the displaying of the downloadlinks was shown too early (after the first upload), this effect was visualy when uploading multiple greater files
update information included
Updates V1.41 August 10th 2013
- fixed: removed XSendFile Debug Message from download handler
- refinement: displaying date without time for deletion point of time
update information included
Updates V1.4 July 29th 2013
- added .htaccess directory browsing protection for not secured installations
- added possibility to use [delDays] in the mails for the users
- added possibility to upload multiple files
– can be turned on/off in the config
– number of max files can be defined in config
– link to group of files will be generated
- added to administration: external source for the files datatables
- added to the administration: possibility to bypass confirm dialog on file deletion
- added protection of mistaken leaving the “Upload succeeded” site without saving or sending download links
- added possibility to disable autodeleter
- added responsive behaviour by default with fix for the max-width effect
- fixed generating preview image for PNG files
- added enhanced direct download protection, should now work for higher usage too
- added naming download files with the original one during the download process
- added transforming of download button after download has started (preventing of double call the download page by clicking the download button twice)
- fixed inside the administration: chart generation w/o enough data for calculations (i.e. just one file type, just one day) – next fix

update information included
Updates V1.3 June 21st 2013
- fixed cleanUp function, it was deleting from database just regarding time of upload
- max upload size in byte now multiplicated with 1024 * 1024 instead of 1000 * 1000
- cutting (ellipsis) supperlong file names on
– download page (headline)
– delete page (headline)
– name of last file table on admin’s dashboard#
- G (Gigabyte) values of post_max_size and upload_max_filesize are possible now too, no need to convert to Megabyte any longer
- supporting mod_xsendfile for Apache2/Apache2.2 – built to handle download of bigger files w/o running into performance troubles ( )
- bandwidth throtteling(define the kbps in the config)
- no memory usage any longer on dowloads, so memory_limit doesn’t have to be increased
- sorting by upload time desc in admin’s file table by default
- updated to Bootstrap v2.3.2 (shift and middle click corrections for Firefox)
update information included
Updates V1.11 Apr 23rd 2013
- added number of days remaing until deletion to delete and download page
- added drop down menue with language switcher
- fixed bug on displaying expiration date
update information included
Updates V1.1 Apr 21st 2013
- added missing possibility to logout from admin interface
- admin area: new strategy to display filetypes in the pie chart
- fix for too long filenames (extensions were cutted)
- added possibility to disable direct downloads via IP or SESSION, can be disabled too
- list of filextensions can be denied
- list of filextensions can be allowed
- percentage values are displayed inside the progressbar too
- added age information to download and deletion page
update information included
1st Release V1.0 Apr 19th 2013
Future Plans
these updates will be considered after 60 sales
- multiple file uploads (have to think about the download pages and file grouping)
- admin-interface: datatables source in an external file
- admin-interface: multiple file deletion at once
also planned
- smooth logging of activities
- S3 support (have to check out how/what/aso…)
Credits and used plugins