PinBoard is a photo sharing social networking software like the popular social network pinterest. It provide you with enrich features of a photo sharing site. With pinBoard you can create your own pro pinterest with more and useful additional features that you can’t find on pinterest .
Access Demo
Username : demoPassword: demoClick http://lautechbay.com/products/pinboard/ to go the demo page

Note: PinBoard provide additional features to pinterest which can be easily disable for those that want to build exact site as pinterest
Add Unlimited people interest like food,education,sports e.t.cLazyloading of imagesCreate Boards and also support Secret BoardsAdd pins through : upload(images), From a website(images), Video(Youtube and vimeo only)Animated Gif fully supportedAbility to Repins others pins to your boardFollow system : Follow specific board or follow all user boardsHome feed showing pins from people you followHashtags supported in pins and comments#Discover Pins from people you followTrending topics worldwide and location baseUrl Shortener on pins Popular and Everything pins pageInterests page to show pins from that particular interest based on popularityLike system : Use to like pinsComment system on pinsOverlay preview of pins (Pinterest like)Verify users like twitterInvite people to your secret boards through there names or usernameDesign your page like twitterGetstarted step like in pinterest , that member must follow atleast a specific number of boards to continueUpload your own avatarShare pins to facebook through facebook share dialogNotification systemResponsive layout for mobile devices News Letter system includedSocial Login (facebook)Create About,terms and condition, privacy pagesAdverts placement ready within pinsChange site logo,icon, description,title,keywords for SEOClean and SEO friendly urlFull Admin Panel Checkout the demo to play with the featuresChangelog -31/08/2013
Ability to Edit pins
Update bug with add from website method
Fix bug on users list
Fix layout problem
Updates -28/08/2013
Infinite Auto scroll pagination
@Mention feature added, mention people in your pins
Private Messaging System – ability to send messages
Layout is edited to fit your need
Fixes bug on pin description long texts tends to break the layout
Bug on the pin view page, others pins from the board tend to scatter but now fixed
We have take our time to provide with full documentation not only how to install but with full details on how to get started with the features just check the documentation in the downloaded file
Installation is straightforward and easy just check the documentation
You are required to update all files and folder inside the application/ folder except the config folder….please note don’t update the config/ folderAlso update the themes/ directory everything thereFor bundles upgrade you have use the admin panel to do that, by going to extension->extension manager->upgrade bundles there you have to convert each bundles to zip file and upgrade one by one, we didn’t convert each to zip because of the overall sizeThat’s all what you need to do for upgrade, dont touch your database tables