phpDolphin is a Social Network Platform similar with Facebook, allowing users to interact with each other by live chatting, sending messages, comments, like, share photos, life events and so much more.
Quick Video Demo: Video Demo
User Demo: User Demo (some features might be disabled) – Profile Example: Profile 1 | Profile 2
Admin Demo: Admin Panel
User Features:Live Chat, Messages & Comments.News Feed (Friends Activity): displays messages posted by friends, online friends, friends suggestions and more.Timeline (Personal Feed): displays all the messages posted by the author (personal feed), online friends and more.Profile (Public Timeline): Displays your public profile along with Events, Archieve, Places and more.Messages (Chat): Displays your friends based on their last activity, showing both online and offline friends.Photos: upload up to 9 images at a time, displayed as gallery (facebook like).Events: Photos, Videos, Maps (Google Maps), Custom Locations, Movies, Songs, Games, Meals.Likes for messages with latest avatars preview and total likes counter.Share messages from other users on your timeline.#hashtag in messages, comments and chat conversations.Trending Topics: Top 5 trending topics on Feed/Timeline page and Top 10 Trending Topics on #hashtag search page.Notifications Center: Get notifications (red notification with counter) from your friends when they: Like, Share, Comment, Chat and New Friends.Block: Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.Profile Privacy: Public (everyone can see the profile), Semi-Private (only friends can see the page), Private only you can see the profile.Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages (triggers only when the page is not focused).Message Privacy: Public (available for public and semi-private profiles), Private (available only to the author).Online Privacy: Appear Online (when available) or Always Offline.Report: Messages and Comments.E-mail Notifications: when someone post a comment on your message or like it.Notifications when new messages are posted on Feed, Subscriptions and Profile pages.Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat.Verified Profiles.Password recovery.Unified Search Box: Live search for #hashtags and
users (by Usernames, Names and Emails) with filter for Males of Females genres.Covers and avatars for user profilesRetina Display Ready Responsive Design (optimized for iPhone 5 and other iOS devices)Filters Messages: Events (Pictures, Music, Videos, etc) and Archives (by Months [Timeline]).Filters Notifications: Messages, Comments, Likes, Chat conversations.Ajaxed pagination sitewide.Friends suggestions (for new users).Add Social Profiles for: Facebook, Twitter and Google+.Turn On/Off visual notifications for Likes, Comments, Shares, Friendships, and Chat conversations.Turn On/Off e-mail notifications for Likes and Comments and New Friends.Log-in: Users can use both usernames and emails to log-in into their accounts.YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud (with playlist for profiles) players integration into messages.and more…
Script/Admin Features:Manage Users View, Edt, Verify, Delete Registerd Users.Manage Reports View the reported messages/comments, mark them as safe or delete them.Themes System (No PHP required and easy to understand system) – Activate or Deactivate themes.Multi-Language System multi language platform with one file translation.Modify the Time-Stamps format (4 types).Turn On/Off mail notifications for registration, e-mail notifications for comments and likes (overrides user’s settings).Change messages, comments, chat conversations per page.Change the character limit per Post Message and Chat MessageChange the time interval for Notifications Center and Messages when to check for new notifications.Change the time interval for Chat Conversations how often checks for new chat conversations.Advanced statistics about User Registrations, Messages, Comments, Reported Messages & Comments, Likes.Cache system for all images uploaded, that includes profile avatars, covers, and uploaded photos in messages.Set the max. allowed image size for user’s profile.Image file format allowed on user’s profile.Set the max. allowed image size for upload in messages.Image file format allowed in messages.Option to censor words.Manage reported messages (tweets).6 Ad units for specific places.API to retrieve User Profile Details or latest 20 Messages of a User.and so much more
(see screenshots).
Update 1.2.4 [8/28/2013]
Added Sound Notification upon new Global & Messages notifications
Added Sound Notification upon new live chat message arrival
Added Dynamic Title Tag [exclamation tag (!)] upon new Global & Messages notifications
Added Dynamic Title Tag [exclamation tag (!)] upon new live chat message arrival
Sound Notification and Dynamic Title tag triggers when the page is not focused (inactive)
Update 1.2.3 [8/19/2013]
Added extra classes for the events inside the message posts, giving theme developers greater flexibility regarding theme customizations.
Update 1.2.2 [8/16/2013]
Added Profile Cards on avatars hovers on the Messages and Comments (On all pages)
Improved the images select button on IE9 and IE10
Improved the API, now you can fetch details by Username instead of ID and the Profile Privacy is taken in consideration when fetching both profiles and messages
Fixed an issue with the #hashtags not being created when they were at the beginning of a new line
Update 1.2.1 [8/7/2013]
Added log-in with email (you can now use both the username and email to log-in)
Added visual and email notifications when someone adds you as friend
Added Delete function on the Edit User Page from the Admin Panel
Improved the Admin Panel display (added separators between input settings types)
Improved the English, Romanian and Dutch language file
Updated the icons, texts, and description for the Notifications Page
Fixed an issue in the Feed where in certain cases the Privacy icon would appear unwanted
Fixed an issue where your profile was set to semi-private/private the settings button won’t show
Fixed User Chat Search not working properly due to a theme update
Fixed Verified User Image not appearing when loading more peoples in the Friends Pages
Update 1.2.0 [8/2/2013]
Completely reworked the entire Notification System (now they are personal) 
Added Notification System for the New Chat Messages (with small text snippets)
Added Notification Counter for Global & Chat Notifications
Added title tags for the Post pages
Added Friends Activity (latest 20 events) on Feed and Timeline pages
Added Lightbox View for the Cover Image & Avatar Image
Added ‘visual_refresh’ parameter to Maps (Enables the new Google Maps display)
Added Search by Email to the unified search (Exact Match)
Added Verified Badges to Live Search, Search Page and Friends Page
Improved the Search Results (Verified persons have priority in the results)
Improved the Friends Suggestions (Showing only public profiles)
Improved the Recent People Chat (Showing unread messages with a grey background)
Improved the English and Romanian language files
Improved the Vimeo Url Insertion
Fixed a small bug where in rare to none cases the user couldn’t change his password
Fixed a small issue with the Welcome widget from the sidebar
Update 1.1.9 [7/29/2013]
Added line breaks into the posted messages
Improved the events on post message [prevent posting empty events]
Improved the messages privacy pages, they now obey to the profile privacy first
Fixed an issue with Friends Suggestions which could show you as friend suggestion
Update 1.1.8 [7/27/2013]
Translated the Welcome page
Translated the sidebar Archive filters
Reverted back to First Lastname format
Added input type password for the recovery form
Update 1.1.7 [7/26/2013]
Added SoundCloud for Songs (simply drop in a song link into the Music input)
Added SoundCloud for Profiles with Playlist (simply drop in a song link into the Music input)
Added Message form to the Hashtags search results
Added extra classes to the sidebar widgets (improved the theme style capabilities for developers)
Improved the Trending Topics (merging all case sensitive hashtags)
Improved the Hashtags Search (merging all case sensitive hashtags)
Improved the way days are displayed [1…n] and months to months names
Improved the Born date on profiles (now months are translated as well)
Improved the Profile Page Titles (added full name when available)
Improved the English and Romanian language files
Changed the name of ‘nederlands’ language to ‘netherlands’ (english version)
Update 1.1.6 [7/23/2013]
Added nederlands.php language file
Improved the display of the Archive filter [ordering]
Improved the Page Titles for both people and hashtags Search
Fixed a bug in the User Profile, ‘All’ filter from Archive redirecting to profile page
Update 1.1.5 [7/22/2013]
Added UTF8 support for e-mails
Added full names for the drop down notifications and for the notifications page
Improved the theme translation (added more strings)
Fixed a bug in Admin Panel which caused the Theme icons to appear wrong
Fixed missing strings in english.php, romanian.php (from update 1.1.4)
Fixed a bug in the User Profile, ‘All Events’ filter redirecting to profile page
Update 1.1.4 [7/18/2013]
Improved the platform and the theme translation
Fixed a bug in User Settings which caused the profile born date to keep resetting
Fixed a profile bug which prevented displaying the sidebar when the user had no posts
Update 1.1.3 [7/16/2013]
Now when messages are deleted, the photos are deleted as well
Improved the text output for Messages, Comments, and Chat conversations
Fixed a typo in the documentation
Update 1.1.2 [7/15/2013]
Added delete function to the chat messages.
Update 1.1.1 [7/14/2013]
Fixed sharing a post already shared by another user not working as intended
Update 1.1.0 [7/13/2013]
Now allowing to post images, events, maps, without having to have any text in message
Added #hashtags function for Messages, Comments and Chat
Added Unified Search Box [users and #hashtags]
Added #hashtags suggestions as the user types in
Added Top 5 Trending Topics to Timeline/Feed page
Added Top 10 Trending Topics to the #hashtags search page
Added the author posts in News Feed as well
Added support for ‘youtu.be’ link for YouTube
Added 4 for more shortcut smiles
Fixed a broken URL after sharing someone else’s message
Fixed a bug with the Suggested Friends
Update 1.0.1 [7/12/2013]
Improved support for Firefox in Admin Panel
Fixed a minor bug when loading new feed messages
Requirements: PHP 5.3, MySQLi and GD Library.