Tune Up Utilities Terbaru 2014 adalah sebuah software yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan performa dari komputer, laptop maupun netbook. Bagi pengguna komputer tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi dengan software yang satu ini. Tune up Utilities telah merilis versi terbarunya yaitu
Tune Up Utilities Terbaru 2014.Dalam versi terbaru ini kompatable dengan semua windows x86 dan x64 serta ada penambahan beberapa fitur baru diantaranya adalah 'Duplicate Finder'. Fitur ini berfungsi untuk mencari File sama yang terdapat di dalam PC atau Laptop kita dan kemudian menghapusnya untuk mengurangi beban harddisk di PC kita.
Fitur Terbaru Tune Up Utilities Terbaru 2014 ::
The Swift TuneUp Flight Mode:
· Are you a frequent flyer? Then you will surely welcome the new TuneUp Flight Mode switch, allowing to turn off both Wifi and Bluetooth with a single mouse click, which does not only save your time, but also prolongs your laptop's battery life.
The Thorough TuneUp Duplicate Finder:· TuneUp Duplicate Finder allows you to quickly find duplicate files on your hard disk and comfortably remove them. This frees up precious disk space and helps you to reduce digital junk levels.
The Even Better Arranged User Interface:
· The whole user interface is now cleaner and more user friendly, allowing you to find and access the most important tools much quicker. The opening Dashboard screen (former Status & Recommendations) is where most changes took place - and it has never been better arranged than now!
The Even More Attractive Graphic Design:
· The TuneUp Utilities 2014 was given a brand new look, so it now offers more pleasant and attractive working environment.
To download Tune Up Utilities Terbaru 2014
To download Patch Tune Up Utilities Terbaru 2014