Filemono is unique light weight software sharing php script. Its currently in v1.1, and have cool adminstration features and design. Filemono has live search suggestion and optimized for adsense and SEO. For now filemono donot offers users registration for public, only the users are administrator they can share downloadable files, and you don’t have to upload anyfile you just have to share the link of downloadable file.
There are alot of unique features that filemono offers.
1. Dashboard
Dashboard is a section where you will be able to view a quick overer view on whats going on the site. For Example, you will be able to see the total numbers of softwares, categories, logs and users.
2. Category Manager
Category manager is a section where obviously you can manage categories of softwares/files on your website. There are three sections in category manager. List of all categories where you will be able to see all categories , add new category or edit and delete category.
3. Users Manager
User manager is a really important section in your website all the users in this section are administrators and have equal rights. They can delete and create new users, so be careful and do not create user for anyone unless you want them to be administrate your site.
4. SystemLog Viewer
SystemLog Viewer is a really unique feature. It will notify you when someone will try to enter your admin panel. It will record their ip, username, password, date and time. So you can monitor and reach the person who was trying to enter your website illegally. There are two ip sections in SystemLog viewer, IP1 is usually empty because it will show you the ip when someone is behind the proxy and you will know that this person is behind proxy and IP2 is the ip in normal cases it means the real IP.
5. Software Manager
Its the section where you can monitor the list of softwares, Add new softwares or Edit/delete existing softwares. Software manager allows you to enter the information about software and the download link of the file, currently it does not allow you to upload any software. You can optionally upload the icon of software in jpg or png formats. There are some example softwares in this section you can edit them or delete them.
6. Settings
Lastly, there is settings section where you can change the name of website meta description and tags for your website, these meta tags and description will be really helpful in terms of SEO of your website.

Change LOG v1.1 17 August 2013
- New Feature: Reporting System
- New Feature: Automatic Filesize calculating system for remote Files
- New Feature: SEO urls
Change LOG v1.1 19 August 2013
- Bug Fixed in Category Manager
- Bug Fixed in Ads Manager