- No modification required
- No coding knowledge required
- No modification to SQL or Server Files
- Block Bad Words + IP + Redirects + Links
- Works with wordpress, joomla, phpfox or any other PHP site
- Free support from author
- Lifetime free updates
Just Copy and paste this line in your index.php
and you are done with installation part
Block Bad Words
You can block all the bad words from your site on the fly.

Chage it to

Features Of Bad Word Blocker
- Works on fly
- New words can be added to the list
- Change it to required term
- Activate-Deactivate on demand
Block Bad Links
You can block all spam link(s) from site on the fly. Example

Change it to

Features Of Bad Link Blocker
- Blocks spam links on the fly
- Block a particular link or domain
- Ban domain completely from your site
- Can unban them later
- Activate-Deactivate on demand
Block Bad IP
You can block bad IP address or bad visitor from your site and redirect them to some other site of your choice
Features of Bad IP Blocker
- Support wildcard
- Blocks IP range
- Blocks Country
- Unblock them later if you wish
- Redirects them some other place
- Activate-Deactivate on demand
Redirect Protector
If you site visitors are visiting some other domain by clicking on an external link, you can give them a prior notice, “Hey you are visiting external link, you want to continue at your own risk or return back to us”

Change It to

Give them a notice

Features of Redirect Protector
- Auto detect external links
- Blocks all external redirect
- Give them a notice that they are visiting an external site
- Redirect as per your choice
- Can also whitelist domain names from redirect protection
Note:- This script will not work with external comment system like disqus,facebook etc
Compatible With
Vanilla Forums
Any PHP Based script
Dynamic Websites ( PHP )
Static Websites ( PHP )
Updated Version 2.0
- Added functionality :- Remove bad text links ( Bad links not created in href environment )
- Added functionality :- Detect space between domain and .com while removing them (eg domain .com)
- Minor Bug Fix
- Tip:- do not add http:// or www. while blocking a link or domain
- Big thanks to Austraila for suggestions and helping. Authors profile Austraila
Also check out a awesome plugin
Minify HTML Inline CSS/JS On Fly