When Woolworths finally went bankrupt, a lot of people
nostalgically bemoaned the passing of an institution and recalled making personally important purchases there decades ago (usually records or pick n mix).
When Woolworths finally went bankrupt, a lot of people realised that they hadn't been there for years and recalled that they didn't really know what they sold.
When Woolworths finally went bankrupt, quite a lot of people who did shop there recalled how they sold the best value children's clothing on the high street. But who knew that? Could Woolworths' salvation have lain in becoming the best children's clothes store in town? We'll never know.
Because Woolworths used to stand for something in people's minds, but increasingly tried to stand for everything by selling a wide variety of unremarkable products and, inevitably, customers drifted away.
Ultimately, it didn't stand for anything and ultimately it no longer exists. Here endeth the lesson.